
Class 101 of Chelmsford

15 Tyngsboro Road, Suite 6A
Phone: 978-620-5691Website: Visit Website Google Map

At Class 101, we know that early engagement is a game changer when it comes to reducing stress, anxiety, and cost of college.  Therefore, we provide in-depth college planning to kids starting in 8th grade.  In the early stages, we help students identify appropriate majors, develop college lists, coordinate college visits, enhance their resumes, improve their SAT or ACT scores (depending on student strengths & desired colleges).  This of course transitions to narrowing down the college lists, crafting essays, submitting college applications, applying for scholarships and financial aid, and ultimately weighing all of the options.  

Tom Pabin started Class 101 in 1997 in Lexington, Kentucky.  Since then, Class 101 has grown to be the leading provider of college planning services in the nation.  We have done this through careful planning, 1 on 1 interactions, small group workshops and test prep classes, and most importantly, through our students' successes.  In 2021, 952 students applied to 5,791 schools, received 4,996 acceptances (86.3%) and earned a total of $156M (yes, million!) in merit scholarships.  

After helping countless students find the right fit for college, Chris Urbine decided to open the Chelmsford, MA branch.  Chris brings to Class 101 his 13 years of education experience and true passion for going to the right college for the right price.  If you have a rising 8th grader or a high schooler, we can work with you.  Our services are affordable and payment options are available for families.

For a free, no obligation meet and greet to learn more about us, contact Chris Urbine at 978-620-5691.

Class 101 of Chelmsford
15 Tyngsboro Rd Unit 6A
North Chelmsford MA  01863




